Eliminate Deburring With Nachi Burrless Drills 

  • Cut down on cycle times
  • Increased tool life and faster machine times
  • Live Technical and Customer Support based out of Indianapolis, IN (give us a call at 877-622-4487 or send us a message below)


DLC-REVO Burrless Drill Series

For non-ferrous materials

  • Enhanced Rake Angle: Optimized rake angle effectively removes burrs on the exit hole of non-ferrous metals.
  • Optimized Helix Angle: High helix design sharpens the cutting edge and eliminates burrs.
  • Wider Flute Width: Expansive flute width prevents chip packing and minimizes cutting edge wear.
DLC burrless drill with bullet points
aqua-revo drill comparison

Aqua-REVO Burrless Drill Series

  • Drill point angle helps prevent tool-walking during machining
  • Radius edge cuts the burr off instead of pushing it down


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Burrless Drill Highlights:

  • Available in AQUA-REVO and DLC-REVO coatings for many types of work material
  • Eliminates burrs and drill caps
  • Cuts cycle times

What Customers Are Saying


"Nachi has made almost 80% of the work I do easier. The Burrless drill specifically makes it so I can reduce post operations."

burrless drills testimonials


"Nachi cut cycle time in half on most old projects."

burrless drill testimonial

We're here to help

A member of our team can help you identify potential savings with Nachi Burrless drills!

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